M.B.A. Consulting s.r.o. a company with 10 operators, specializing on B2B debt collection founded in Prague by Ing. Lubos Zovinec (CEO) and his partners.
Lubos Zovinec works as a COO for Intrum Justitia s.r.o.
Lubos Zovinec left Intrum Justitia to fully concentrate on the own company. He launched and focused on retail debt collection.
First big clients GE Capital Bank & GE Capital Multiservice were landed.
Lubos Zovinec and Jiri Petr established M.B.A. Finance with new business model and international ambitions.
M.B.A. established in Slovakia.
M.B.A. Finance became the market leader in Czech Republic & Slovakia.
M.B.A. Empire HQ established in London.
M.B.A. Empire entered Russia.
M.B.A. Empire opened its branch in Kazakhstan.
Viktor Dokucajev joined M.B.A. Finance in Russia as a COO.
Viktor Dokucajev became the CEO of M.B.A. Finance in Russia.
M.B.A. Finance in Russia joined the biggest collection association in the country – NAPCA.
M.B.A. Empire entered Ukrainian market.
M.B.A. Empire Ukraine joined the biggest collection association in the country – ACBU.
Over $100 million recovered.
M.B.A. Empire entered Indian market.
M.B.A. Empire entered Chinese market.
M.B.A. Empire became a member of Professional Risk Management International Association (PRMIA).
1000 call center operators employed by M.B.A. Empire globally.
M.B.A. Empire opened office in Cyprus.
1st CC in China started operations in Nanchang, Jiangsi province.
Viktor Dokucajev leaves the Russian branch to lead M.B.A. Empire group. Viktor Vodenko takes over position of the CEO of M.B.A. Finance in Russia.
Over $4 billion of assets under management.
M.B.A. Finance in Russia became the market leader.
2000 call center operators employed by M.B.A. Empire globally.
M.B.A. Empire entered Indonesian market.
M.B.A. Finance established in Romania.
2nd CC in China started operations in Chengdu, Sichuan province – this is the 10th call center opened worldwide.
M.B.A. Empire celebrated 20th anniversary.
MBA Consult Ltd., future HQ of the Group, established in Singapore.
Over 2 000 000 debt problems solved.
Viktor Vodenko appointed as the Global CEO, Viktor Dokucajev becomes a Chairman of the Board of Directors.
3rd CC in China started operations in Anshan, Liaoning province.
4th CC launched in China in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province.
M.B.A. Consulting Philippines Inc. established.
Over $1 billion recovered.
Over 500 corporate clients including the biggest global players served.
Daily number of successful contacts with debtors exceeded 200 000.
Over 20 million unique debtors’ cases at work.
All M.B.A. Empire branches united under MBA Consult brand and headquartered in Singapore.
M.B.A. Consulting Indonesia became a member of the FinTech Association - FinTech Indonesia.
MBA Consult organised NPL Management Forum in Indonesia.
M.B.A. Consulting Indonesia joined one of the major Fintech Association of Indonesia - AFPI.
MBA Consult celebrated 25th anniversary.
MBA Consult entered Mexican market.
MBA Debt Collection Services became the member of the Association of Professionals on Collection and Legal Services (APCOB).
M.B.A. Consulting Philippines Inc. became the member of the Philippines Association of Collection Agencies, Inc. (PACAI).
MBA Consult opened its branch in Brazil.
MBA Consult opened its branch in the USA.